Planning for LGBT Couples
How do I protect my husband, wife, or partner?

Planning for LGBTQ Couples
The need for an estate plan for LGBTQ domestic partners is critical in case of an accident or illness that renders your partner incapable of making decisions or managing his or her affairs. Without a proper estate plan, you could be legally precluded from having any role in the decision making for your partner’s care and affairs, or even having access to your partner.
With proper estate planning, domestic partners can ensure that they will be able to help each other during medical emergencies or when a partner is incapable of making medical, business, or legal decisions.
Where children are involved, you may select your partner as the guardian of your child in the will document, which gives you the best chance of making sure that your partner will be able to take care of the child should something happen to you.
Now that same sex couples may legally marry in North Carolina, we can help you determine what these changes mean for your estate planning.
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